Past Workshops
Advanced Short Course: Integrated Simulation of Watershed Systems Using ParFlow
Oct 3 - Oct 4, 2019
The objective of this course is for students to develop and run a complete watershed model in ParFlow starting from scratch. This includes selecting boundaries for a domain, terrain processing, grid definition, slope testing and spinup, running with EvapTrans files, obtaining meteorological forcing data, and the nuts and bolts of running on shared clusters.
DIY Water Monitoring, Data Portals, and Watershed Modeling
Sep 10 - Sep 12, 2019
Low-cost, do-it-yourself electronic microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators have revolutionized hydrologic research. Along with the possibilities for customized wireless communication and prototype construction, scientists are gaining an unlimited capacity for designing customized hydrologic measurement equipment. This workshop will introduce participants to two internationally-utilized DIY programs in low-cost, open-source water science: and the OPEnS Lab Project Loom. The objective of the workshop is to expose participants to a range of options in DIY hardware, software, and prototyping systems, thereby highlighting factors that users should consider when seeking a DIY program to their research.
Open Source Urban Hydrology Sensor Bootcamp
Aug 7 - Aug 9, 2019
While most of us reside in urbanized environments, urban watersheds remain some of the most understudied hydrologic systems. In part, this is driven by the complexity and overhead associated with sensing across the urban landscape, which exhibits complex flow and water quality dynamics as well as various interconnections between man-made and natural components. In this workshop, we will take the lessons learned in studies of “pristine” and remote hydrologic systems and adapt them to studying urban watersheds. The workshop lessons will present an end-to-end solution, all the way from low-level sensing, to high-level could-hosted data services.
Short Course: The Science and Practice of Operational Ensemble Hydrological Prediction
May 21 - May 23, 2019
This 3-day short course draws together experts involved in developing, using and promoting ensemble hydrologic forecasting systems, and will teach attendees about the history, status and concepts of ensemble hydrologic forecasting systems. The course will also demonstrate hands-on examples of key techniques for a number of case study basins.
Master Class: Food, Energy, and Water Systems in a Global Economy
May 13 - May 16, 2019
This CUAHSI Master Class is intended for graduate students in Hydrology and Water Resources science and engineering programs requiring focused training on modern research methods in water footprinting and environmental impact accounting in a regional and global network-economy context.
Master Class: Advanced Techniques in Watershed Science
Jan 13 - Jan 18, 2019
This master class will introduce advanced modeling and data analysis techniques to interpret data from intensive watershed studies and will explore our current understanding of hydrological, ecological and biogeochemical processes.