Water Data Portals
The Global Water Information Interest Group (GWIIG) of the Research Data Alliance focused on the organization, representation, publication, sharing, discovery, re-use, and integration of hydrologic information of different types. This effort resulted in the creation of a list of web portals and/or websites with data or links to data on water resources. The portals generally provide data that are at a minimum national in scope, and many of the portals offer global data.
The GWIIG requested that CUAHSI host this list to ensure permanence and wider distribution to the community. CUAHSI is continuously adding to the list based on community input. To suggest a web portal, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Users can scroll through the list of portals below, or use the browse and search tools above.
The list is by no means comprehensive. Feedback or information regarding additional portals can be sent to email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Advanced Weather and Climate Forecasting System
site owner: Bangladesh Water Development Board
Geographical Scope: Bangladesh and South Asia
An advanced and fast flow forecasting system based on weather and hydrologic modeling for Ganges and Brahmaputra river system.
site owner: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Geographical Scope: global
FAO’s global water information system, developed by the Land and Water Division
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology: Data
site owner: Research Centre of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Geographical Scope: UK
Long-term, national-scale data including rainfall, drought, and lakes, provided by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK) including external data resources hosted by CEH
CUAHSI Data Services
site owner: Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrological Science, Inc.
Geographical Scope: USA
The CUAHSI Data services provide access to data published by individual researchers, citizen science groups and federal data providers through HIS (Hydrologic Information system and Hydroshare. Please access data through our portals http://data.cuahsi.org and http://www.hydroshare.org
site owner: The DataStream Initiative
Geographical Scope: Canada
DataStream provides a digital backbone for diverse monitoring groups to access, visualize, and download full water quality datasets. And, it’s the only known freshwater data platform to use leading blockchain technology.
eartH2Observe Water Cycle Integrator
site owner: Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
Geographical Scope: global
The WCI portal takes data that you select and plots it on a map to help you analyse, export and share it.
Eurostat Water statistics
site owner: European Commission
Geographical Scope: Europe
Article on water statistics in the European Union based on data on freshwater resources, water abstraction, water use and wastewater treatment and disposal. Links to the main tables and the database on water.
Freshwater Information Platform
site owner: BOKU Vienna, UDE Essen, IGB Berlin & RBINS Brussels
Geographical Scope: Europe, partly global
A platform offering links to data, maps, tools and other resources relating to freshwater resources and their biodiversity.
site owner: International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC)
Geographical Scope: global
GEMStat provides water quality data of ground and surface waters within the scope of the GEMS/Water Programme.
Global Earth Observation System of Systems portal
site owner: European Space Agency (ESA)
Geographical Scope: global
Entry point for earth observation data implemented and operated by the European Space Agency. (Note that most data are not water-related.)