Hydrologic Instrumentation Facilities
Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs
Field-deployable high-precision fiber optic temperature measurement systems
Wireless self-organizing multi-parameter sensor stations
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Continental Scientific Drilling Coordination Office
Field services; Field equipment rentals or purchase; Lab-based core processing and scanning; Subsampling services; Subsample analytical procedures; Field and lab supplies purchasing.
Seismic instrumentation; dataloggers; power systems; sensors; field procedures; data archive
National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping
Provides research quality light detection and ranging (lidar) observations to the scientific community.
National Ecological Observatory Network
Open data access; mobile deployment platform; remote sensing; adding sensors to existing NEON infrastructure; samples and specimens
OPEnS (Openly Published Environmental Sensing) Lab
Open source sensor design and development.
Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory
Research and user facility for accelerator mass spectromotry.
U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility (HIE)
Sales/rentals, repairs, training, calibrations, evaluations, and application design.
Geophysical instruments; monumentation & ancillary equipment; communications technologies; networking monitoring.
Wyoming Near Surface Geophysics Instrumentation Center
- Facility for Imaging the Near-and Sub-surface Environment (FINSE).
- Surface and Subsurface Hydrology Lab (SSHL)
- Cyberinfrastructure