Grant Opportunities

The above timeline represents a typical funding cycle but may shift slightly from year-to-year.

Hydroinformatics Innovation Fellowship
CUAHSI's Hydroinformatics Innovation Fellowship program enables scientists to create and share a hydroinformatics product with the CUAHSI community. This fellowship supports projects that result in a product that can be shared within one year of funding. Scientists at U.S. universities and colleges are eligible for this grant.

Instrumentation Discovery Travel Grants
CUAHSI’s Instrumentation Discovery Travel Grant (IDTG) program enables scientists to learn the details of hydrologic instrument installation, operation, maintenance, and data processing by visiting experts or scheduling reverse site visits. Applicants from traditionally under-served institutions, primarily undergraduate institutions, students at all levels, and early career faculty are encouraged to apply for an IDTG.

Pathfinder Graduate Students Fellowship
Graduate training in water science often focuses on a single field site or analytical approach. The Pathfinder Fellowship program provides travel funds to graduate students in hydrology and related sciences to make an extended trip to enhance their research by adding a field site to conduct comparative research, collaborating with a research group, or working with researchers on adding an interdisciplinary dimension to a project.

Let's Talk About Water
Let's Talk About Water (LTAW) uses film to promote water and earth science education. Films are powerful educational tools for the sciences because they use storytelling to make meaningful connections with the audience, help scientists contextualize their work, create teachable moments, and catalyze conversation around important issues.