Guest Lecturer Database
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Scott Hamshaw
University of Vermont
Lecture Topic: Using concentration-discharge relationships during storm events to study watershed behavior. Also applications of machine learning (artificial neural networks) in hydrology for pattern recognition and forecasting.
Key Terms: Machine Learning, Erosion Sediment Transport, Concentration-discharge
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science
Shahryar Ahmad
University of Washington
Lecture Topic: Water-Energy Nexus: Ushering in a New Frontier in Smart Hydropower Generation through Artificial Intelligence (Ahmad, S.K. and Hossain, F., 2019. A generic data-driven technique for forecasting of reservoir inflow: Application for hydropower maximization. Environmental Modelling & Software, 119, pp.147-165.
Steven Loheide
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Lecture Topic: Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: Quantifying the Groundwater Subsidy to Vegetation
Tamlin Pavelsky
University of North Carolina
Lecture Topic: New Tools in Remote Sensing of Rivers, The Changing Arctic Water Cycle, What is the Surface Area of Earth's Rivers? (DOI:10.1126/science.aat0636)
Thomas Y. Chen
U.S. Technology Policy Committee
Lecture Topic: Harnessing machine learning using Python for hydrological research
Key Terms: deep learning, computer vision, programming
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science
Tim Scheibe
Pacific Northwest National laboratory
Lecture Topic: Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbial Dynamics (10.2138/gselements.15.2.111), Multiscale Modeling of Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport (10.1111/gwat.12179), River Corridor Hydrobiogeochemistry (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.414)
Viviana Re
University of Pisa, Department of Earth Science
Lecture Topic: Socio-Hydrogeology, Microplastic contamination in groundwater (state of the art and future challenges)
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science
Woonsup Choi
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lecture Topic: hydrological modeling; drought diagnosis; drought propagation
Key Terms: streamflow, hydroclimatology
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology