Guest Lecturer Database
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Éowyn Campbell
University of Calgary
Lecture Topic: Surface water/groundwater interactions
Isotope hydrogeochemistry
Fluvial geomorphology
Land use and flooding
Key Terms: Hydrogeology, river chemistry, MBR, water isotopes
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Erin Bray
San Francisco State University
Lecture Topic: Rivers: How Rivers Warm and How Rivers Move Sediment
Key Terms: hydrology, fluvial, geomorphology, rivers, surface water, stream temperature, sediment transport
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science
Erin White
National Park Service - Yellowstone National Park
Lecture Topic: Water Stewardship in the World’s Most Iconic Water Park: Yellowstone National Park; or related topics with a nexus to hydrology in Yellowstone National Park.
Key Terms: hydrology, groundwater, water resources, water quality, environmental engineering, tracer studies, microbial ecology, stream restoration, water rights
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Eswar Rajasekaran
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Lecture Topic: Estimation of evapotranspiration and soil moisture from remote sensing, Remote sensing for drought monitoring
Gabriela Ioana-Toroimac
University of Bucharest
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science
Hamza Jakada
Baze University Abuja
Lecture Topic: Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in Karst Catchments, Hydrograph Recession Analysis in Karst Cathments for Groundwater Resources Management (doi:10.3390/w11040743)
Ingrid Luffman
East Tennessee State University
Lecture Topic: Assessing an urban stream's response to precipitation events with community science data collection.
Key Terms: citizen science, VGI, flood, stream stage
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science
Jack Wittman
Lecture Topic: Simple tools to help solve important GW problems, Water Well Designs - advantages of vertical, angled, horizontal wells
Jakob F Steiner
ICIMOD (International Center for Mountain Development)/Utrecht University
Lecture Topic: high mountain catchment hydrology, with links to the cryosphere; set up of field monitoring in challenging environments (Himalaya, Greenland); natural hazards in high mountain environments
Key Terms: Cryosphere, Energy balance model, debris-covered glaciers
Intended Audience: Upper level/ Grad eg. Catchment Science
Jan Seibert
University of Zurich
Lecture Topic: Citizen science in hydrology, Benchmarks and value of data in hydrological modelling modelling, A web-based game about sharing water resources