Guest Lecturer Database
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Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Ashish Mishra
Department of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Lecture Topic: Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Hydrology
Key Terms: Remote Sensing, GIS, Hydrology, Satellite Data, Digital Elevation Model
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Éowyn Campbell
University of Calgary
Lecture Topic: Surface water/groundwater interactions
Isotope hydrogeochemistry
Fluvial geomorphology
Land use and flooding
Key Terms: Hydrogeology, river chemistry, MBR, water isotopes
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Erin White
National Park Service - Yellowstone National Park
Lecture Topic: Water Stewardship in the World’s Most Iconic Water Park: Yellowstone National Park; or related topics with a nexus to hydrology in Yellowstone National Park.
Key Terms: hydrology, groundwater, water resources, water quality, environmental engineering, tracer studies, microbial ecology, stream restoration, water rights
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Jerad Bales
Lecture Topic: CUAHSI Tools for Discovering and Managing Data, Climate warming and water resources--what do we know?
Intended Audience: General audience/ GenEd eg. Intro to Environmental Science, Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology, Upper level/ Grad eg. Catchment Science
John England
US Army Corps of Engineers
Lecture Topic: Historical Floods, Paleoflood Data, and US Flood Frequency Guidelines - Bulletin 17C
Key Terms: flood hydrology, hazards
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Kamini Singha
Colorado School of Mines
Lecture Topic: Hydrogeology and hydrogeophysics, broadly
Key Terms: Geophysics, Hydrogeology
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology
Woonsup Choi
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lecture Topic: hydrological modeling; drought diagnosis; drought propagation
Key Terms: streamflow, hydroclimatology
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology