Guest Lecturer Database
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Adam Ward
Indiana Univ.
Lecture Topic: Clean Water Act / Waters of the US, River corridor exchange / Hyporheic Exchange
Aditi Bhaskar
Colorado State University
Lecture Topic: Urban water use + others), Urban water balances (+ others), Streamflow change with urban development (+ others)
Adnan Rajib
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Lecture Topic: Developing a map of floodplain alterations across the world’s major river basins
Key Terms: flood; floodplain; land use change
Intended Audience: Upper level/ Grad eg. Catchment Science
Adrian Harpold
University of Nevada Reno
Lecture Topic: Unexpected snow response to climate, Mountain hydrology under change
Aida Farough
Kansas State University
Lecture Topic: Fluid flow and heat transfer at seafloor hydrothermal systems, Evolution of fracture permeability during reactive transport, Increasing participation in geosciences with a career perspective
Alexandre Martinez
University of California Irvine
Lecture Topic: Climate Data Analysis, Hydrogeology, Time series analysis in hydrology
Amber S Jones
Utah State University
Lecture Topic: Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Hydrologic Time Series Data Managing and Sharing Scientific Data: Using HydroShare to Facilitate Publication and Reproducibility
Key Terms: data management, time series, monitoring, reproducibility
Intended Audience: Other
Anne Jefferson
Kent State University
Lecture Topic: Stormwater management (esp. effects at catchment scale) (doi: 10.1002/hyp.10736), Isotope hydrology
Arpita Mondal
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
Ashish Mishra
Department of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Lecture Topic: Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Hydrology
Key Terms: Remote Sensing, GIS, Hydrology, Satellite Data, Digital Elevation Model
Intended Audience: Intro level undergrad eg. Intro to Hydrology