Managing Water for a Changing Planet - A virtual workshop to identify our most pressing water resources issues
October 25 - 4, 2022
Location: Virtual
More Details:
2022 Workshop Dates (half days): 10/25, 10/31, 11/2, 11/4
Workshop Success and Future Opportunities for You:
The Managing Water for a Changing Planet workshop is an opportunity to inform the National Science Foundation (NSF) where investments can make real progress on managing freshwater resources. Through the Convergence Accelerator program, NSF is igniting stakeholders to contribute ideas on how to translate science into solutions for society's most pressing problems. This process starts with workshops like this, and holds the promise of allocating more than $40 million toward prototypes of these solutions (grants occur in two phases: phase 1 $750,000 each; phase 2 $5 million each).
Can't Attend But Still Interested: We want your feedback!
We understand that no matter how much you would like to participate in the virtual workshop, it just may not be possible. By answering four short questions in the feedback form below you can help guide the conversation of the Managing Water for a Changing Planet Workshop. It will take less than ten minutes to help steer the possible solutions for water resources issues.
Provide Feedback Here: